Comics Under The Influence
Comics Under The Influence
Comics Under The Influence features some of our favorite comedians performing stand-up comedy nice and sober, THEN we give them a few of our finest drinks and then they perform again, but this time....under the influence! Watch as the inhibitions fade away and the liquid courage takes over!
Lineup: Cameron Shackelford, Dan Paswell, Jacob White, Kay Banks, Marissa Lamb, Red Parke
MC: John Dollar
Tickets: $10/$16
- All shows are 18+. Valid ID is required.
- Seats only guaranteed until showtime. Ticket price is more expensive at the door (if any remain).
- Premium seating is in the front couple of rows, General Admission is first come first serve.
- There are no refunds on any ticket purchases.
- 2-item minimum in showroom. This means each person must purchase 2 items off the menu. This can be an alcoholic, or non-alcoholic drink, or any of our food items.
Show/Doors Times
- 7:00 PM Show/6:00 PM Doors
Comics Under The Influence features some of our favorite comedians performing stand-up comedy nice and sober, THEN we give them a few of our finest drinks and then they perform again, but this time....under the influence! Watch as the inhibitions fade away and the liquid courage takes over!